re:union > snapchat
pixel yellow ghost with a purple outline, snapchat app icon

initial release : 2011

type: messaging, social media

downloaded: 2013

written : nov 30, 2022

official definition

snapchat is a messaging app that transformed into a social media. the concept behind snapchat is that every photo  sent as a message would disappear after a certain amount of time. this meant that screenshots and saved messages were reported back to the sender. the rules changed slightly over time, giving people a chance to replay (telling the sender, of course). snaps sent between two people consecutively created a “streak” which encouraged using the app everyday to build your numbers. the app introduced “stories” which allowed users to share snaps with all of their friends for 24 hours. it later added a “discover” section with ad-supported mobile-layout news. more recent snapchats were given an option to save snaps to "memories" which had unlimited storage and a "my eyes only" feature. snapchat also made use of filters, many that used augmented reality and facial recognition.

let me take a selfie

i downloaded snapchat in 2012, and i used it every day in middle and high school. i had multiple friends i had reached 400+ streaks with, and we would ask friends to log in and maintain streaks when we were without service. i would post 20 minute long stories when i would go to a concert, and make sure i posted on my story every time i hung out with someone. looking back, having so many photos and videos of memories is great, but i’m sure it was annoying to other people who were not as interested in my life as i was. it also prevented me from “living in the moment” at times because i was thinking about the best snapchat to document my social outing.

in review

i stopped using snapchat in 2021; i hadn’t had a 5+ day streak with anyone in a year, and i only used it to post to my private story or look at the “3 years ago” memories. half of my friends stopped checking the app, so it felt pointless to keep using it if none of my friends were going to see it. ever since instagram adopted stories in 2016, more and more people started using it instead due to ease. after high school, life looked different, and streaks started feeling a little juvenile. people would send “streaks” but it would be mindless everyday things, not prompting a conversation or anything. instead, i made a private story with around 50 of my closest friends where i would post my random things i didn't want everyone to see.

long story short, i only use snapchat to see the memories it produces for me from what i was doing 3+ years ago on this date.