humans have found creative ways to communicate over distances long before the internet was even a thought. yet since the creation of the internet and personal computers, the ideas have only multiplied.
the history of online communication first became possible with the adoption of personal computers and dial-up internet service. the most popular landmarks in web history include: hotmail, AOL’s AIM, skype, multiple internet-based texting services, and social media. as network connection speeds and handheld devices improved, online communication expanded from script to images and videos and sound. It also expanded in how many people are able to communicate with each other at once like on computerized bulletin board systems.
the need and desire to communicate from anywhere over the internet only increased once most of the world was forced to quarantine for months but still needed to maintain their social needs. humans have historically communicated from far distances, like quipus from ancient incas, human pages, and postage mail. the evolution of the internet has only increased the amount of creativity and options available to stay in touch.